Indoor air quality and you

Tony R. Hall • January 6, 2022

Welcome to my blog for indoor purified air.  Why is purifying the air you breathe so important?  The long and the short of it . . . for your health.  You wouldn’t eat spoiled food or drink contaminated water, would you?  Well, you might if there were no other options.  There are options, healthy options for you and your family.

This holds true especially for the air you breathe.  According to the EPA, Americans spend most of their time indoors.  (90% in a home / work environment) breathing air that is worse than the pollution you encounter when you step into the great outdoors.  Stands to reason when the weather reports we hear every day include a clean air index for our respective areas, that things aren’t what they used to be even a decade ago.  Some days are good for jogging and some days are better spent not breathing so deeply.  According to leading climatologists many of those same pollutants are responsible for the climate change we are experiencing even now.  If the air outside our windows is bad, the air inside is worse from the contaminants we create through our everyday lifestyles in our own homes.

Logic dictates if the air outside can harm you, what we breathe on the inside came from the outside most likely didn’t improve when it made it indoors.  It is widely believed the filters in our HVAC systems treat the air but that is not quite the reality.  Most HVAC systems utilize filters to clean the air as it circulates through your home.  Depending on the efficiency of the filter known as MERV rating (Minimum Efficiency Rating Value).  The lower the number, the lower its ability to filter particulates out of the air you breathe. Most homes, and businesses, for that matter recirculate the air we breathe passing it only through the filter located in our HVAC systems. That is not enough.

Ever look through a shaft of sunlight entering through and unshaded window and saw all the floaties?  This is what your furnace or HVAC filter didn’t catch. Those are known as particulates, and they are what you take into your body every time you inhale.  What you can’t see as plainly are the aerosols.  Among these aerosols are things like fungi, bacteria, viruses and solid particulates too small to be seen with the naked eye.  Add to this mix VOC’s.  Volatile Organic Compounds such as, paint fumes, vapor from chemical cleaners, hair spray and cooking oil and pressurized propellants to name a few.  Add in carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, radon, smoke, allergens and a few other nasties into the mix and indoor air quality suffers greatly.  I think you get the point.

While we are young and healthy, for the most part, our lungs and immune systems can handle this abuse but only for a time.  Like getting cancer from smoking tobacco products, there comes a time when the overload is too much, and things begin to break down.  Diseases like lung cancer, COPD, asthma, mesothelioma, Covid-19, its variants and more have many root causes but do have a single causality in common.  They are all delivered as air borne pathogens.  Standard HVAC systems can not filter these out completely.  That is a one stage process.  However, filtration combined with other robust technologies can.

How so? You might ask and I would answer with the following:  Don’t just filter the air . . . PURIFY it. 

To remove almost 100% of the contaminates from the air you breathe requires the following technologies to be combined in a synergistic design utilizing these components:

  1. Permanent Pre-Filter: Cleanable Fine Mesh
  2. Ultrafine Aerosol Particulate Filter: HEPA-Rx
  3. Activated Carbon: Broad spectrum adsorption, coconut shell, activated carbon filter
  4. Hydroxy Radical Reactivity Chamber: Photocatalytic TiO2 (Titanium Dioxide) mixed phase anatase and rutile.
  5. Revitalizing Negative Ion Chamber: 3,000,000 ions/cm3 negative ion generator. (No Ozone)

Now, most of that, is straight from the tech brochure of the Jade Air Purifier by Surgically Clean Air Inc.  That list of five breaks down to plainer English in the following list of 5:

  1. The pre-filter keeps stuff like dog and cat hair, dust motes and the bigger junk from clogging up the filter behind it.  It’s the outside case of the machine and it can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
  2. The HEPA-Rx filter does the “heavy lifting” cleaning out all the rest of the solid particulates down to the microscopic.
  3. The “charcoal filter” takes out the VOC’s and other odors, so you don’t half to smell, let alone inhale them.
  4. Step 4 is known as the “kill chamber” using far range UV-C light that reacts with titanium dioxide in a photocatalytic reaction to destroy almost 100% of viruses (Including Covid-19 and all its cousins), bacteria, mold and other spores.  Yes, the phrase was “Kill Chamber” and it does destroy Covid-19 and the rest mentioned including HIV in aerosol form.
  5. After taking all of that out, the Jade adds something back.  Negative ions which have been proven in hospital, business and other settings, including the home, to increase mental alertness and energy. (a natural “stay-awake without caffeine” kind a gig) (No Ozone)


This is not in the “list of five” but it bears mentioning.  Every cubic foot of air drawn into this whisper quiet machine passes through each stage of the purifying process.  All of it through sealed flow chambers designed to make sure what comes out is not polluted by existing room air. (And it does it quietly) Did I mention it does it quietly?

Let’s face it folks, our environment is getting less human-friendly as time goes on.  While most of its problems seem out of control for the time being, there are things we can do to protect ourselves, our co-workers and our families.  I’m going to leave the climate issues in the hands of the climatologists and scientific community. Hopefully, our leaders will begin to pay attention and do the right things.  But as far as breathing healthier, living longer and doing all that is possible to defeat Covid, we can help ourselves, those we care for and those passersby.

Regarding the common sense of everyday living.  Find time to find your knees and talk to the Creator.  He’s waiting.  Next, work hard, worry less, eat to live but don’t live to eat. Take time for appreciating the roses and less time on unnecessary imaginings.  Enjoy the majesty of a star bedazzled, midnight sky. See the ocean tides dance as they encounter patiently awaiting shores.  Climb unscalable mountains just for the sake of their inspiring vistas. Take a deep breath now and then.  Breathe in the freshness of a passing thunderstorm (nature’s air purifier) while walking in the rain. Finally, fight the disease that threatens all of us on a global basis, Covid-19.  It will be beaten but it will take the best in all of us to do so.

Follow CDC guidelines; use common sense in wearing masks, get vaccinated, keep your distance when you need to, wash your hands as you know you should, and clean your environment properly and don’t leave out the air you breathe.  Ventilate properly and purify if you can. What the Jade kills, almost 100%, you do not have to suck in.  If it can’t get to you, it can’t infect you.  You can reduce/eliminate the viral load around you before it becomes the viral load in you. The rest of what the Jade Air Purifier can do for you and all those around you is just icing on the cake.

By Tony Hall January 6, 2022
It’s kinda nice to know what you just sucked in is, well, clean enough to want to suck in. Years ago, a good friend of mine brewed his own homemade beer. Now, not being a beer lover myself, he was desperate for a good review of his homemade brew, so I did the right thing and took a drink. He knew I wouldn’t know the difference. He would’ve been right had what went down next hadn’t. It wasn’t a sip I took, but rather a healthy, showing off my farm boy heritage, swig. The bitter, acrid taste was enough to keep me happily in my beer-less existence; it was required to chew my way through the ensuing swallow. It had more texture than a hearty vegetable soup with the odor of a backed-up sewer. Not quite ready for the bottling contract. The look on my face didn’t require an explanation let alone an opinion. He took his own taste and promptly filed for an EPA hazardous dumping permit. Much of the time the air we breathe isn’t much better than my friend’s offering and unknown to us we suffer for the lack of understanding. In the first blog I wrote extensively of the need for not only just filtering the air we breathe but also . . . the need to purify it. Here’s a couple of line-item facts from the previous article to save you the time of going back and reading it. (Although there is a lot of good information there if you take the time.) EPA reports Americans spend almost 90% of their time indoors between work and home, that fact surprised me as well. But when you noodle it a bit, it starts to make sense. Outdoor air is getting worse, and it doesn’t improve when it makes the trip indoors. Sadly, as reality has it, we are responsible for both situations. Twenty years ago, not many weather reports included an air quality index. Home HVAC systems are not capable of filtering out 100% of the particulates, viruses, bacteria, mold, fungus, volatile organic compounds, (VOC’s) and other pathogens (Including Covid-19 and all its relatives). Single stage filtration systems have been the norm for decades in our HVAC systems. Today’s indoor air quality demands more. Multistage, synergistic systems are available to combat these airborne health hazards that combine leading edge technology with time proven methodologies that actually purify the air before the viral load in it becomes the viral load in our lungs. Caveat Emptor, (buyer beware). There are many “snake oil” systems out there that promise a lot but deliver little more than a good quality furnace filter can. The correct application of air purification units will virtually eliminate the number of particulates, as well as the amount of VOC’s and pathogens by 99.87% (Certified results by independent, testing facilities are available for the Jade and Cascade units available through HallTech Services) This is great news for those with respiratory and immune system issues. The less work our bodies have to do to eliminate the nasties the more energy they’ll have for healing and restoring at least some measure of wellbeing. Kinda like drinking fresh, clean water vs. swamp sludge drawn from a muddy bog. Sorry about the slightly gross word picture but it does sort of illustrate a growing reality. There is a plethora more information available in the previous blog, so I am going to stop here. I think this should get the point across. In short you do have it within your grasp and your budget to put this technology to work for you not only at home but also in the workplace. Following CDC and EPA recommendations as well as taking an aggressive proactive stance to improve your quality of life and long-term health will ensure you are doing everything you can to protect yourselves, your loved ones and your employees from unnecessary illness and disease. (Not to mention the cost of medical bills and lost productivity) Here, at HallTech Services, a subsidiary of HallTech Engineering, we did the research necessary to find the best of the best in air purification units commercially available in today’s rapidly saturating market. That search still moves forward but for now, we brand the Jade and Cascade units as manufactured in North America, by Surgically Clean Air as being the best of the best. SCA is one of Canada’s fastest growing Fortune 200 companies today. For good reason, what they build works. With ever increasing awareness regarding the need for cleaner air, it turns out that few units actually utilize far range UV-C light combined with titanium dioxide in a photocatalytic, highly synergistic kill chamber that eliminates 99.87 percent of the pathogens described earlier. (To actually purify the air moving through them). Adding this advanced technology to unequalled filtration media, then it becomes easy to understand when we say the reality of killing the viral load in the air is possible before it becomes the viral load in your lungs. Everything else these units do to protect your health and wellbeing is just icing on the cake. Including re-ionizing the air in the purifying process to reduce fatigue in home and office applications. (No ozone worries here)  For more information or on how to begin protecting yourselves and those close to you, go to Take time to view the video attached and as always if you have any questions, feel free to share them here or call (855) 478-7434 (855 4-Purify) for more information and a confidential analysis of your own unique scenario. Thanks for your time and God Bless! Tony Hall HallTech Services P.S. About my beer brewing friend. He eventually got very good at making his own brand of suds and opened his own microbrewery. He and his forever wife made great craft beers for a living since those early days of his semi-harmless nuclear waste production. Sadly, they retired, and their brands retired with them. As I said, never cared for beer; but theirs quenched a lot of happy thirsts and kept them coming back for more for over five lustra. Rest well old friends. Memories abound. Welcome to the second edition of my blog from HallTech Services. You’re all welcome back anytime. Bookmark us as a “just in case”. If for no other reason but to read my “deathless prose” for a chuckle or two, maybe even a bit a good information now and again. Especially if your concerned about living healthier . . . and longer. Sister site
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